Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Wolfgang Schäuble reads the wrong history books

I wrote a piece in Wirtschaftswoche about the ways in which distorted views about American economic history provide the blueprint for disaster in the Euro crisis. In particular Hans-Werner Sinn's narrative of the USA as a 'no transfer' currency zone is doing real damage. The article is in German:

Wolfgang Schäuble lernt aus dem falschen Geschichtsbuch

Finanzminister Wolfgang Schäuble lehnt Transfers nach Südeuropa ab. Soweit es innerhalb eines Währungsraums Regionen mit unterschiedlicher ökonomischer Entwicklung gibt, sind Transfers aber – das lehrt die Geschichte – ökonomisch unvermeidlich. Ganzer Text in der Wirtschaftswoche.

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Interview on 'The Street'

Yesterday, I talked about the Greek crisis on American TV station 'The Street'. See the interview here.

Sunday, 22 March 2015

CNBC interview

Tomorrow morning at 7 CET I'll be on CNBC to talk about Tsipras's visit to Berlin.

Update: here is the video.

Give Greece a chance

Greece's Alexis Tsipras has embarked on a European tour to win support for his economic agenda. European leaders should engage constructively with his proposals. There are many good economic arguments for Tsipras plans but the main reason to make concessions to Greece is a lesson from the politics of the Great Depression. When the Great Depression hit the industrialised world in the late 1920s a series of dramatic economic policy misjudgments made the crisis worse. However, the fact that economic troubles let to political collapse in Germany but not in other countries was more to do with politics than with economics...

Read the full piece in the Huffington Post

Friday, 13 March 2015

Does Tsipras have a better plan for Europe than Merkel?

Of course he does. And better than the plans of Hollande, Renzi, Miliband et al. I explain why in the Huffington Post.

Friday, 13 February 2015

Austerity is bad for business. End it now.

'Most advocates of austerity policies claim to be “pro-business” but the results of tight fiscal policy have damaged the prospects of companies across Europe. Below, Florian Schui argues that it is time for politicians to learn pragmatism from successful business leaders and ditch a policy that does not work.'

Read the full piece in The World Financial Review.

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Radio interview

and listener phone in on Austrian station Ö1. Listen here. (In German.)

Monday, 9 February 2015

TV interview on 3Sat

The TV interview from Austrian station ORF has been rebroadcasted on the show 'Kulturzeit' on 3Sat (a German/Swiss/Austrian channel). Watch it here.

Monday, 2 February 2015

Phone-in on 11 February

Worried about austerity? Observing signs of Euro fatigue? Having trouble coping with fiscal contraction? Call the doctor. Preferably on 11 February from 14h05. That's when I will answer listener questions on Austrian radio show "Von Tag zu Tag" on Ö1. Details here.


The interview on Austrian TV show 'Kulturmontag' was on this Monday. You can watch it here. It was delayed from the original date because of the attacks in Paris.

Friday, 9 January 2015

TV interview

about austerity policies, the future of consumption and the Euro crisis on Austrian television show 'Kulturmontag'. It's on ORF 2 on Monday 12 Jan at 22h30.

Radio interview

about austerity, the Euro crisis and my book. On Austrian radio station OE1. Listen here (in German).